Factoring is an established financing alternative to traditional bank financing and at the same time an effective instrument for optimizing your working capital. We continuously purchase your receivables from commercial customers for deliveries of goods and services and finance them after checking the creditworthiness of your debtors beforehand. The non-recourse sale of your receivables not only provides you with immediate liquidity, but at the same time improves your most important financial key figures and can thus expand your entrepreneurial scope of action.
You know that: You service your customer in a timely and professional manner, however, your customers do not always pay you on time. With our factoring approach you will sleep better, knowing that you have no risk to loose money. Let us work for you !
We will help you to become more efficient in your business processes. We will take care of all processes related to managing your receivables. In addition we will address the following:
You will send on a daily basis your invoice files in a certain data format to us. We will upload this information into our factoring software and transfer the money to you the same day. You will not have to do any unpleasant calls to your late paying customers. We will do this for you and you can concentrate on the essential bits and pieces of your business. You will be always in the driver seat to define which services you want us to perform. We are flexible to structure a tailor made factoring contract upon your business needs.
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